Are You Ready?

Ready to learn to hear from God in fresh ways? 

Ready to journey together with others to experience biblical transformation?

Ready to experience God more deeply in the context of authentic community?

Ready to learn how to make disciples in a world that needs Jesus?

Ready to explore how you can serve Refuge Hill and the world around you?

Then You’re In The Right Place

FORM offers a deep dive in discipleship in the context of a welcoming community where you can come to know Christ more intimately and learn to apply the riches of the gospel in everyday life. We want to help you become a disciple who is ready to make disciples.

Leadership Development

FORM’s discipling culture will equip you to engage in opportunities God brings your way and train you to become a disciple who desires and is equipped to make disciples. In addition to classes, we offer activities that help build leadership, community, and teamwork.

Missional Training

FORM will equip you in such a way that you gain biblical confidence to live an intentionally missional lifestyle no matter where you live, work, and play.

Biblical Theology

From scripture and other resources, FORM will help strengthen your grasp of who God is and how he has been at work in our world. Reading the Bible through that lens will transform how we apply the gospel of Jesus Christ in everyday life.

Spiritual Formation

FORM offers a safe and welcoming space in Refuge Hill where you  get to explore and embrace your true identity in Christ and more confidently live into his calling for you.

Information & Registration

For more information please view the resources below: